As I grow, I find more patterns throughout life that other organisms display through similar repeated behaviors linked to how one grows from facing difficulties. I focus on the vulnerabilities that are revealed within relationships, whether that might be found in friendships, partners, families, or oneself. Rather than fearing these moments of weakness, I instead highlight them to encourage those to embrace them in order to grow.
My concepts consist of three-dimensional depictions of my past fears that have formed my new fascinations. These include insects and arachnids, which led me to better understand myself and my relationship with others. I analyze how natural hardships seen among insects can mirror those of humans, as nature can reveal our intentions at its purest form. A spider molting leaves it exposed to potential harm but must do so in order to grow. This is something we can all relate to as we all go through our own trials and become stronger as a result.
When depicting instances like this in my work, I translate these scenes into clay and glass. While creating, I tend to be detailed especially with textures and ornate forms. Using porcelain, I construct classically influenced structures to represent fragility. For decoration I use slip trailing, water etching, colored slip, washes, and glaze to make subtle ornamentation patterns and insect imagery all tied within an atmospheric surface. The imagery when working with glass is achieved through flameworking borosilicate glass to depict relationships that I sometimes understand more than human nature.